The AM2 is a collaboration between world renowned Surfboard Shaper Al Merrick (Channel Island surfboards) and the specialist fin company, Shapers Fins. The AM2 is designed for fast, high performance surfing through a unique blend of speed, drive and release. The raked template and wide fin base effectively delivers drive and control, whilst the fins refined tips and smaller centre fin reduce drag and allow for release off top turns. The AM2 is recommended for larger surfers over 80kgs.
Compatible with FCS Style Fin System
Smoke Web Inlay | Orange Hex Core
SIZE: Large
Weight Range – 85kg-100kgs
- Depth: 4.73″ (120mm)
- Base: 4.64″ (118mm)
- Sweep: 36.3 Degrees
- Foil: Flat
- Depth: 4.49″ (114mm)
- Base: 4.52″ (115mm)
- Sweep: 38.6 Degrees
- Foil: 50/50
The Spectrum Series is truly at the forefront of fin technology and the latest offering by the fin specialists, Shapers Fins. The Spectrum Series delivers a unique 4 Phase flex pattern that gives surfers maximum feel and control. This is achieved through a complex blend of progressive materials and construction purpose built to deliver an ultra-light and responsive fin that performs accordingly to the way in which they are surfed. Suitable for all surf conditions and surfers in the intermediate to professional range